Raymond Fowler’s Daily Grind With The Meta Phenomenon

By Sean Casteel

An increasingly popular theory in the fields of UFO and paranormal research posits that phenomena like UFOs, alien abduction, Near-Death-Experiences, After Death Communication, Synchronicity and Past Life Experiences are all elements of a unified whole, what author and researcher Raymond E. Fowler calls the “Meta Phenomenon,” which also serves as the title of his most recent book.

Raymond E. Fowler

Meta Phenomenon” consists of Fowler’s diary of “incredible occurrences,” a record of his many paranormal experiences spanning the years 1990 to 2023 and is intended for his own personal study as well as for interested readers and other researchers. Fowler writes that he began the diary in 1990 after discovering that he had his own history of alien encounters, the memories of which had been long repressed, as is usual with most alien abductees.

Meta Phenomenon By Raymond E. Fowler

On his way to that realization, Fowler had been a UFO researcher for decades, beginning by chasing down sightings reports in his native New England and writing a series of very well-received books on his efforts, such as “Casebook of a UFO Investigator.” So great was the trust and respect he had earned that Fowler’s research was even entered into the Congressional Record when hearings were held on flying saucers by the House Armed Services Committee in the 1960s.

Fowler also worked with Massachusetts housewife Betty Andreasson, who had a long and complex relationship with the gray aliens that would come to involve her children as well. Under regressive hypnosis, Andreasson related many fascinating stories of time spent onboard alien spacecraft, much of which she viewed through the lens of her devout Christian beliefs.

Betty Andreasson Luca

In 1990, certain repressed memories of his own alien abduction encounters bubbled to the surface of Fowler’s mind, and, when combined with other consciously recalled events, the recollections forced him to conclude that he was himself the same sort of abductee he had been researching for so many years. He relates this story in his book “UFO Testament, The Anatomy of an Abductee.” It was at this point that he began the diary we are concerned with here.

The diary entries in “Meta Phenomenon” offer a mountain of raw data on what it is like to live in a constant state of paranormal contact. One of the simpler aspects is something Fowler calls “the clock phenomenon,” which is a thread running through the entire book.

This involves something everyone has experienced, glancing at a digital clock and seeing the same three numbers lined up together, like 4:44 or 5:55. To have it happen randomly and occasionally is normal, but it began to happen so frequently to Fowler that it far exceeded what the law of averages would lead us to expect. Fowler would constantly awaken for various reasons and, when glancing at his bedside clock, see that three identical numbers were aligned. He recorded the phenomenon in his diary for several years, until it became so commonplace that it ceased to have the urgency it once did.

It is thought that triple numbers can express subliminal messages to our conscious and subconscious, most of the time hidden in plain sight, but not from our mind.

Another frequently recurring paranormal phenomenon that Fowler experiences is called a “time slip.” While there are numerous such moments in the book, the following is an excellent example:

“April 29, 2003. Another incident where I might have seen the past or the future in the present. I arrived to go fishing at the Merriland River and found three cars parked at the river. I hoped that whoever was fishing was not at some of my favorite places. I figured that there were at least three fishermen, so I decided to count them as I made my way along the stream. I saw the first one and continued walking along the path. I then came across number two. He was standing in the water, about 70 to 100 feet from me. I stopped to watch him and counted to two. I then started to walk but glanced again to see what he was doing. There was no fisherman there! The area was wide open and there was nowhere he could have gone in several seconds. I kept looking and looking up and down the river but there was no one there and yet several seconds earlier I saw him clearly!”

Time slips are a paranormal event during which people seem to travel through time by unknown means – and for unknown reasons.

Granted, this is not a particularly profound or deeply meaningful story, but, when combined with the sheer frequency of such moments in Fowler’s life, it is undeniable that he sometimes becomes unstuck in time and the past and the future intrude into his present moment with an eerie sort of “playfulness.” He recounts many similar moments happening with his wife Margaret around their family home, including one that involves her appearing as a nearly transparent mist as she busied herself in the living room. She appeared again shortly after and carried out the same exact movements, that time in her solid, corporeal form. Fowler had received some kind of precognitive vision of Margaret as a mist which was shortly followed by a repeating moment of “normal” reality.

On May 1, 2003, a couple of days after the time slip at the Merriland River, Fowler recorded what he calls “an incredible synchronism.”

“I glanced out the sliding glass doors to our outside deck and saw a large, beautiful fox prancing around the backyard. I called Margy to look. As we watched, he stopped in front of the deck and began scratching himself. I ran upstairs and grabbed a camera but when I looked out the upstairs window, he was running through the yard again. I took some pictures through the window before he ran off but was disappointed not to photograph him sitting still and scratching himself.

“Several hours later I happened to glance out the sliding glass doors and was amazed to see the fox running around the yard as he did before. I grabbed the camera and was shocked to see him come to the exact spot in front of the deck and sit down and scratch himself again. Needless to say, I took the picture that I had missed before.”

Again, admittedly, the fox story is not one of earth-shattering philosophical implications, but it helps one to see that reality and our own desires can sometimes be in delightful communion with a benevolent guiding force. The fox returning to Fowler’s backyard and posing for the exact photos Fowler was hoping to obtain makes one think of a child being indulged in some small whim in a completely unexpected way. Fowler got what he wanted – not by demanding it, but instead because the powers-that-be “deigned” to give it to him in a way that followed synchronistic patterns already established in Fowler’s thinking.

The fact that the time slip and the fox synchronism happened within two days of one another illustrates a fundamental truth of “Meta Phenomenon,” as it demonstrates Fowler’s daily grind, one paranormal experience following another with a regularity and sameness that staggers the mind.

Precognitive dreams, a poltergeist that moves objects from one place to another, after death contacts from Fowler’s deceased father, the list goes on. All the boxes are checked by the forces guiding Fowler’s day-to-day existence, though an appropriate name for those forces is hard to extract from within the confines of human language. Aliens? Angels? Unnamable Supernatural Entities?

The Biblical God once answered a question about his identity by saying, “I Am Who I Am.” That may be, for the time being, the straightest answer we will get.



By Sean Casteel

Raymond E. Fowler

Raymond E. Fowler is one of the most prolific and respected investigator/authors in all Ufology. He is widely known for his work with Betty Andreasson Luca, a New England housewife who experienced multiple encounters with grey aliens, both in her home and onboard alien spacecraft. His reports on the UFO phenomenon have been entered into the Congressional Record as part of a congressional inquiry into the subject. In the course of his many years as a UFO investigator, Fowler would discover his own hidden personal history as an abductee and experiencer.

So it goes without saying that Fowler’s worldview would get a bit shaken up over the years. But in spite of the strange UFO-related events he would both research and experience over his lifetime, Fowler, in all things, remains an earthbound human being. However, one must also take into account the fact that Fowler suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child yet would come to have an IQ of 140.

Thus the title of his latest book, “Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI.” “Buster” was Fowler’s boyhood nickname. He suffered the traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a very young child when his mother let him play in a new baby walker in the backyard while she read a book in the sunshine.

Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI by Raymond E. Fowler

“Suddenly she glanced up,” Fowler writes, “to see me heading for cement stairs leading to a grassy path below the yard. Terrified, she screamed for me to stop and ran to stop me, but it was too late. I rode the walker down the stairs, tipping me and it over and over, hitting my head on the cement stairs.”

Fowler was rushed to the hospital with his head split open and bleeding profusely. The doctor stopped the bleeding and stitched up the wound, after which Fowler was hospitalized for several days. His parents were told that he had suffered a traumatic brain injury and would never be the same again.

“In essence,” Fowler writes, “they would be responsible for bringing up a child with incurable mental and emotional problems.”

Fowler’s mother left the meeting with his doctors in a state of shock, and his father could not console her. She felt guilt and confusion and extreme self-recrimination, emotions she could not cope with, finally deciding to pack her things and flee her family. It was the only solution she could see at the time. Fowler would daily ask where his mother had gone and was told she would return soon. Though he cannot remember how long his mother was absent from their home, she did return, was forgiven by Fowler’s father and rejoined the family.

Fowler writes that he was told about his having an accident while playing in his walker but not that he had had such a debilitating injury to his brain. Nor did he connect the accident to his personality.

He grew up a loner and antisocial, but he believed those thoughts and feelings were basically normal. However, when he reached high school, he began to feel he was different from his peers in obvious ways and longed to fit in with the other kids. To paraphrase Nobel Prize winning songwriter Bob Dylan, “they mistook his shyness for aloofness, his silence for snobbery.” Or they would sometimes dismiss him as simply “slow.”

At that point, he did not attribute his “otherness” to his childhood accident. It wasn’t until many years later that his father told young Fowler about the severity of his injury, but prefaced his remarks by loudly declaring “You proved them wrong!” in reference to the doctors’ prognosis of his condition.

As a child, Fowler seemed to be perpetually at war with bullies at school and in his neighborhood. Fistfights and rock-throwing battles were pretty much a regular occurrence. Fowler would also experiment with fireworks using his own homemade gun powder and nearly set his house on fire. He built crystal radio sets with his father’s help and hoped to have a career as a radio technician.

In high school, he was approached by a few females who hoped to go further than he felt comfortable in doing given the strong religious beliefs he had had beginning in childhood. After graduating in 1952, he joined the Air Force and was again confronted by women seeking what he felt was the wrong kind of relationship. Meanwhile, his fellow airmen proved to be what the Bible calls “drunkards” and “whoremongers” who asked Fowler to join them in a night of debauchery. He declined and went to church that night instead.

Fowler met his future wife Margaret while stationed in England. She was intelligent and spiritual, the kind of woman he could be with in good conscience. They married in England and returned to the U.S. after Fowler left the service. There was some precognitive dreaming associated with the trip back to America, but perhaps it is best to leave that for the readers of the book to discover. Fowler and his wife are parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, raising a big family.

In the early 1960s Fowler began working for GTE Sylvania and would rise up the ranks there until his retirement in 1986. His knowledge of the components of the electrical system of the Minuteman II/III ICBM resulted in his being chosen to be the in-house member of the Minuteman Production Board as well as being the Task Manager of Program Planning and Scheduling for Minuteman and other programs. This was a far cry from what one would expect from someone who had suffered a traumatic brain injury. He did indeed prove his doctors wrong, having a highly successful career at GTE Sylvania and throughout his life as he excelled in a variety of endeavors.

GTE-Sylvania was an American manufacturer of diverse electrical equipment, including at various times radio transceivers, vacuum tubes, semiconductors, and mainframe computers such as MOBIDIC.

It was also in the early 60s that Fowler’s interest in UFOs developed and he interviewed many a witness to local sightings and landings near his home in Danvers, Massachusetts. He started corresponding with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer who investigated UFO sightings for the Air Force. Hynek would later sing Fowler’s praises, calling him a respected and thorough researcher of UFO events in New England. Fowler came to be a high-ranking member on the board of the international organization The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

In addition, Fowler would come to write more than a dozen books on UFOs, alien abduction, anomalies in time and synchronicity. His impressive catalog of work continues to be a classic bedrock of crucial research that has stood the test of time and is ranked among the best that UFO literature has to offer.

Fowler is probably best known for his investigation of the abduction experiences of Betty Andreasson and her family.

Included with Fowler’s gut-wrenchingly honest memoirs, with absolutely no warts concealed, is an overview of the relationship between traumatic brain injury and high-level intelligence written by medical specialists in the field.

Fowler is not alone in that regard. There are numerous cases of the pairing of brain injury with near genius IQ and the phenomenon will surely be the subject of future study by brain specialists and other medical researchers.

Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI” is not another story of adventures in alien contact, but it is an adventure story nonetheless, as a young boy navigates through an often frightening world he neither understands or can be counted on to understand him. The book has undercurrents of earthbound “high strangeness” that rival even the most bizarre accounts of the paranormal.
















By Sean Casteel

In her new book, Diane states that she believes UFOs and UAPs are from a level of existence beyond ours.

Diane Tessman has been involved with the UFO mystery since she was four years old. At that young age she had two encounters, about six months apart, with a human-like being called “Tibus.” From that time onward, she has felt a “shared consciousness” with Tibus which is similar to telepathy. With Tibus’ input, Diane has offered psychic insight and spiritual counseling to thousands of people who also feel contact from “beings from beyond.” The experience can be frightening at times and joyous at other times. Diane’s guidance has proved helpful and healing. She maintains two publications, Change Times Quarterly, and Star Network Heartline for star seeds, experiencers, and seekers.

Diane would eventually become a field investigator with both the Mutual UFO Network, a worldwide civilian organization dedicated to finding the truth about UFOs and aliens, and the legendary Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) which developed information and research on UFOs and UAPs which continue to be highly respected.

Today, Diane is Director of the Star Network Cat Sanctuary and Wildlife Refuge as well as offering readings and counseling to people hoping for emotional healing and providing personal insight for those seeking to solve the mysteries around them. Diane has never stopped investigating and researching in a scientific manner but, amazingly, her spirit guide Tibus has continued to have input into her scientific efforts as well. Science and Spirit are the two sides of the whole “coin” of reality.

“Beings From Beyond: They Are Here” by Diane Tessman

In her new book, Beings From Beyond: They Are Here, Diane shares what she has discovered regarding the UFO/UAP phenomenon and what beings are really behind it. She has experienced paranormal events all her life and offers amazing new information as to what The Paranormal really is and how it fits in with the UFO phenomenon. After all, very often if someone has a UFO experience, they are also visited by paranormal happenings. Diane shares her own experiences in this regard in this new book.

The book opens with this dramatic declaration: “Here is my hypothesis: UFOs and UAPs are from a level of existence beyond ours. This in itself is the answer to many aspects of the UFO/UAP puzzle.

“A new level of existence will become a necessity,” Diane continues, “an evolutionary mandate, as our advanced science technology opens ‘places beyond belief,’ as Neil Armstrong exclaimed. For instance, the creation of wormholes and the warping of time and space will expose astronauts to exotic energies and levels of reality for which our brains are not built. The filters of our minds limit us.”

Is it possible that our level of technological achievement will exceed the limits to which we have evolved as a species? Are we in effect leaving ourselves behind?

But there is something higher than us already at play here, according to Diane.

“The Level Beyond,” she writes, “is a combination of time travelers, extraterrestrials, and possibly other-dimensional beings. What unites them is not their specific origin but their level of existence. Their craft may vary, but they all share the fact that they are from a level of existence beyond 20th and 21st century Earth.”

Diane draws on the work of Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, who in 1964 presented fellow scientists with what is now called the Kardashev Scale, a ranking of civilizations in the universe that runs from Type One through Type Five. Earth at present is at the 0.7 Level of Civilization on the Kardashev Scale. Well-known physicist Dr. Michio Kaku estimates that Earth will attain to Level One in perhaps 100 to 200 years.

Normally, when a “higher level” is referred to, the assumption is that it involves metaphysical or spiritual beliefs. But such is not necessarily the case, according to Diane.

Is the UFO presence on Planet Earth which we’ve called “The Level Beyond,” possibly of this first level of the Kardashev Scale?

“The Level Beyond,” she writes, “which I am hypothesizing as the source of most UFOs and UAPs, is not about any religious or spiritual belief, not about reaching Godhead, ‘The All That Is,’ or Nirvana. This is an advanced level of existence based in science and technology; there are probably good, bad and in between groups and individuals in terms of moral integrity to be found there, but that is just my opinion.”

The forces that drove this higher evolution may have been the circumstances created by technological advances, advances that demanded a shift in both consciousness and physical form. Perhaps the same is happening to us.

“We have been evolving toward this level for many years,” Diane writes, “because evolution is always at work. Some humans have interiorized this upgrade of civilization more than others. Human entanglement with computers and high tech is part of our reaching for a higher ‘altered’ level. Also, the enduring love of millions of people for ‘Star Trek,’ ‘Star Wars,’ and other science fiction is a part of our evolution. This is also true for those who are involved with UFO truth who hope that UFO Disclosure happens soon, so that everyone on the planet will know for sure that we are not alone.”

Beings From Beyond explains that we are not the end of the Human Family. There will be new species of humans, just as Neanderthals and other humans existed in the past. We are only in the middle of the human journey and we will keep changing – unless we destroy ourselves.

Diane Tessman poses with Gabe Green in his Joshua Tree, California, home.

Diane believes that we must keep reaching for the Level Beyond in order to survive as a species and to cope with future scientific advances like time travel and traversing interstellar space.

“Perhaps it is simply time,” she continues, “to leave the comfort of Earth and make an evolutionary step upward and outward, which involves strange new worlds and consciousness. It may be entirely natural.”

Beings From Beyond: They Are Here also includes a chapter that examines the Kardashev Scale in more detail, as well as chapters devoted to the phenomena of bizarre thought-forms called “Tulpas,” time travel, UFO occupants as visitors from our future and much more. Will the evolution of humankind keep pace with our technological advances in these troubled times?

[Beings From Beyond: They Are Here is published by Warped Space Press and is available at Amazon.com]

Diane will send you a free sample newsletter online, just contact her via email: dianetessman0@gmail.com

Sean Casteel

Suggested Reading:


UFO AGENDA: So You Want to Know the Truth?

CHANGES, Predictions for a Changing, Troubled World

Raymond Fowler And The Ever-Changing Nature Of Time

By Sean Casteel

Time Slip ConneXions: We Are Holograms

It has become an increasingly popular notion that linear time, time measured from the past, the present and the future, is not the complete story. The many variations from our normal perception of time spring from numerous source experiences, to include UFO encounters, Near Death Experiences, and Past Life Experiences. Even the CIA, in its formerly classified Remote Viewing program, encountered movements in time in addition to “seeing” the desired targets.

In his recent book, “Time Slip Connexions: We Are Holograms,” veteran UFO and paranormal researcher Raymond Fowler tackles the tricky subject of ripples in time from many angles while also demonstrating the interrelatedness of things previously thought to be completely separate phenomena.

Raymond E. Fowler

The author of eleven books on UFOs and NDEs, Fowler began his career in the paranormal as a nuts-and-bolts researcher of UFO sightings in the 1960s. Over the decades, he gradually widened his belief system to embrace alien abduction, Near Death Experiences, Out-of-Body experiences and other phenomena that came to seem linked to an overarching intelligence from which everything we know about reality originates.

So, what is a Time Slip?

“A Time Slip is an occurrence,” Fowler writes, “in which a person or persons step from their time into another time, either in the past or in the future. A person having a Time Slip may also experience a disquieting, unsettling or depressed feeling at the outset of the event. Some people have even described a sort of fog surrounding them as they emerge into another time. Others as if a vacuum is lowered over them and all sounds around them disappear at the outset of the Time Slip. This also sometimes occurs at the outset of a UFO experience.”

Fowler’s interest in the phenomenon began with his own Time Slip experience.

“One morning in the spring of 1980,” he recalls, “when I entered the half cellar of our former home in Wenham, Massachusetts, and stepped down a few steps into the full cellar, I instantly became totally paralyzed. Shocked, I found it hard to believe my eyes. A man with my build, wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt, appeared from behind the furnace where our freezer is located. He walked toward me and when he was three feet away from me he turned to my right and walked out of sight toward the cellar stairs. His body was solid, but it had a rapidly vibrating appearance to it. I could not make out facial features. Then, just as suddenly, I could move. I was dumbfounded and ran into the full cellar to find no one there. I called up to my wife and asked her if she had just been down in the cellar. She had not. In any event, the figure was exactly my build and was wearing black pants and a white shirt!”

Fowler says he only later came to realize what had happened when one day he went to retrieve some frozen vegetables from the freezer in the cellar. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt and followed the exact same path as the apparition. He is convinced that what he saw in spring of 1980 was himself in the future.

“I can think of no other explanation,” he writes. “I was not hallucinating. I saw the man distinctly. The cellar was well lighted with sunlight pouring in a window to my left.”

Fowler continues by saying that the only time he would be attired in black dress pants and a white shirt would have been for the weddings of three of his children, in 1983, 1989, and 1991. He would continue to have Time Slip experiences and eventually decided to write Time Slip Connexions

The book examines several hypotheses concerning the structure of the universe and its relationship to time. it also provides an overview of research by the CIA that concluded that time, as we experience it, is an illusion and that so-called past events can be accessed via altered states of perception.

Time slips are a paranormal event during which people seem to travel through time by unknown means – and for unknown reasons.

One obvious and very disturbing implication of the Time Slip phenomenon is that future events can be foretold. Even Fowler’s brief encounter with his future self in the cellar implies that some events are etched in stone and that we eventually “catch up” with such events after the passage of time.

Meaning, if time is an illusion, then so is free will. Fowler goes in-depth in his investigation of current theories concerning the “Holographic Universe,” part of which leads to the conclusion that we exist in a predetermined hologram, similar to a video game, which is overseen by an advanced race of aliens who both created and control us all. We exist as mere holographic contrivances, made up of energetic atoms that masquerade as solid flesh and bone.

The late sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick wrote along similar lines, and there are those who claim that his work was appropriated and used in the popular movie franchise “The Matrix,” which also centers on the artificial, mechanized nature of reality. The subtitle of Fowler’s previous book, “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction: We Are Property,” which demonstrates that Fowler is proceeding along a path where free will is brought into question – if not done away with completely.

UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction – We Are Property

To make his argument, Fowler offers nearly a hundred anecdotal case histories of Time Slips, from retro-cognition experiences, in which a person steps bodily into a past time and even interacts with the environment there, to glimpses of the near future that are sometimes sent as a friendly warning to help experiencers to avoid certain forms of danger.

In one of the appendixes to “Time Slip Connexions,” Fowler reports on some of the quantum physics and hard science that may be at play in the CIA’s sometimes successful remote viewing efforts. It is reassuring to learn that such a mystical and “out there” program has hard scientific support at all.

As we continue to struggle with questions of space and time, Raymond Fowler is on the frontlines, fighting to make sense of the unknowable in both scientific and spiritual terms, two fields of study that are gradually beginning to merge together into what may prove to be a beautiful and wondrous truth.

Sean Casteel