By Sean Casteel

Raymond E. Fowler

Raymond E. Fowler is one of the most prolific and respected investigator/authors in all Ufology. He is widely known for his work with Betty Andreasson Luca, a New England housewife who experienced multiple encounters with grey aliens, both in her home and onboard alien spacecraft. His reports on the UFO phenomenon have been entered into the Congressional Record as part of a congressional inquiry into the subject. In the course of his many years as a UFO investigator, Fowler would discover his own hidden personal history as an abductee and experiencer.

So it goes without saying that Fowler’s worldview would get a bit shaken up over the years. But in spite of the strange UFO-related events he would both research and experience over his lifetime, Fowler, in all things, remains an earthbound human being. However, one must also take into account the fact that Fowler suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child yet would come to have an IQ of 140.

Thus the title of his latest book, “Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI.” “Buster” was Fowler’s boyhood nickname. He suffered the traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a very young child when his mother let him play in a new baby walker in the backyard while she read a book in the sunshine.

Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI by Raymond E. Fowler

“Suddenly she glanced up,” Fowler writes, “to see me heading for cement stairs leading to a grassy path below the yard. Terrified, she screamed for me to stop and ran to stop me, but it was too late. I rode the walker down the stairs, tipping me and it over and over, hitting my head on the cement stairs.”

Fowler was rushed to the hospital with his head split open and bleeding profusely. The doctor stopped the bleeding and stitched up the wound, after which Fowler was hospitalized for several days. His parents were told that he had suffered a traumatic brain injury and would never be the same again.

“In essence,” Fowler writes, “they would be responsible for bringing up a child with incurable mental and emotional problems.”

Fowler’s mother left the meeting with his doctors in a state of shock, and his father could not console her. She felt guilt and confusion and extreme self-recrimination, emotions she could not cope with, finally deciding to pack her things and flee her family. It was the only solution she could see at the time. Fowler would daily ask where his mother had gone and was told she would return soon. Though he cannot remember how long his mother was absent from their home, she did return, was forgiven by Fowler’s father and rejoined the family.

Fowler writes that he was told about his having an accident while playing in his walker but not that he had had such a debilitating injury to his brain. Nor did he connect the accident to his personality.

He grew up a loner and antisocial, but he believed those thoughts and feelings were basically normal. However, when he reached high school, he began to feel he was different from his peers in obvious ways and longed to fit in with the other kids. To paraphrase Nobel Prize winning songwriter Bob Dylan, “they mistook his shyness for aloofness, his silence for snobbery.” Or they would sometimes dismiss him as simply “slow.”

At that point, he did not attribute his “otherness” to his childhood accident. It wasn’t until many years later that his father told young Fowler about the severity of his injury, but prefaced his remarks by loudly declaring “You proved them wrong!” in reference to the doctors’ prognosis of his condition.

As a child, Fowler seemed to be perpetually at war with bullies at school and in his neighborhood. Fistfights and rock-throwing battles were pretty much a regular occurrence. Fowler would also experiment with fireworks using his own homemade gun powder and nearly set his house on fire. He built crystal radio sets with his father’s help and hoped to have a career as a radio technician.

In high school, he was approached by a few females who hoped to go further than he felt comfortable in doing given the strong religious beliefs he had had beginning in childhood. After graduating in 1952, he joined the Air Force and was again confronted by women seeking what he felt was the wrong kind of relationship. Meanwhile, his fellow airmen proved to be what the Bible calls “drunkards” and “whoremongers” who asked Fowler to join them in a night of debauchery. He declined and went to church that night instead.

Fowler met his future wife Margaret while stationed in England. She was intelligent and spiritual, the kind of woman he could be with in good conscience. They married in England and returned to the U.S. after Fowler left the service. There was some precognitive dreaming associated with the trip back to America, but perhaps it is best to leave that for the readers of the book to discover. Fowler and his wife are parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, raising a big family.

In the early 1960s Fowler began working for GTE Sylvania and would rise up the ranks there until his retirement in 1986. His knowledge of the components of the electrical system of the Minuteman II/III ICBM resulted in his being chosen to be the in-house member of the Minuteman Production Board as well as being the Task Manager of Program Planning and Scheduling for Minuteman and other programs. This was a far cry from what one would expect from someone who had suffered a traumatic brain injury. He did indeed prove his doctors wrong, having a highly successful career at GTE Sylvania and throughout his life as he excelled in a variety of endeavors.

GTE-Sylvania was an American manufacturer of diverse electrical equipment, including at various times radio transceivers, vacuum tubes, semiconductors, and mainframe computers such as MOBIDIC.

It was also in the early 60s that Fowler’s interest in UFOs developed and he interviewed many a witness to local sightings and landings near his home in Danvers, Massachusetts. He started corresponding with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer who investigated UFO sightings for the Air Force. Hynek would later sing Fowler’s praises, calling him a respected and thorough researcher of UFO events in New England. Fowler came to be a high-ranking member on the board of the international organization The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

In addition, Fowler would come to write more than a dozen books on UFOs, alien abduction, anomalies in time and synchronicity. His impressive catalog of work continues to be a classic bedrock of crucial research that has stood the test of time and is ranked among the best that UFO literature has to offer.

Fowler is probably best known for his investigation of the abduction experiences of Betty Andreasson and her family.

Included with Fowler’s gut-wrenchingly honest memoirs, with absolutely no warts concealed, is an overview of the relationship between traumatic brain injury and high-level intelligence written by medical specialists in the field.

Fowler is not alone in that regard. There are numerous cases of the pairing of brain injury with near genius IQ and the phenomenon will surely be the subject of future study by brain specialists and other medical researchers.

Buster: Growing Up With HI IQ TBI” is not another story of adventures in alien contact, but it is an adventure story nonetheless, as a young boy navigates through an often frightening world he neither understands or can be counted on to understand him. The book has undercurrents of earthbound “high strangeness” that rival even the most bizarre accounts of the paranormal.















Raymond Fowler And The Ever-Changing Nature Of Time

By Sean Casteel

Time Slip ConneXions: We Are Holograms

It has become an increasingly popular notion that linear time, time measured from the past, the present and the future, is not the complete story. The many variations from our normal perception of time spring from numerous source experiences, to include UFO encounters, Near Death Experiences, and Past Life Experiences. Even the CIA, in its formerly classified Remote Viewing program, encountered movements in time in addition to “seeing” the desired targets.

In his recent book, “Time Slip Connexions: We Are Holograms,” veteran UFO and paranormal researcher Raymond Fowler tackles the tricky subject of ripples in time from many angles while also demonstrating the interrelatedness of things previously thought to be completely separate phenomena.

Raymond E. Fowler

The author of eleven books on UFOs and NDEs, Fowler began his career in the paranormal as a nuts-and-bolts researcher of UFO sightings in the 1960s. Over the decades, he gradually widened his belief system to embrace alien abduction, Near Death Experiences, Out-of-Body experiences and other phenomena that came to seem linked to an overarching intelligence from which everything we know about reality originates.

So, what is a Time Slip?

“A Time Slip is an occurrence,” Fowler writes, “in which a person or persons step from their time into another time, either in the past or in the future. A person having a Time Slip may also experience a disquieting, unsettling or depressed feeling at the outset of the event. Some people have even described a sort of fog surrounding them as they emerge into another time. Others as if a vacuum is lowered over them and all sounds around them disappear at the outset of the Time Slip. This also sometimes occurs at the outset of a UFO experience.”

Fowler’s interest in the phenomenon began with his own Time Slip experience.

“One morning in the spring of 1980,” he recalls, “when I entered the half cellar of our former home in Wenham, Massachusetts, and stepped down a few steps into the full cellar, I instantly became totally paralyzed. Shocked, I found it hard to believe my eyes. A man with my build, wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt, appeared from behind the furnace where our freezer is located. He walked toward me and when he was three feet away from me he turned to my right and walked out of sight toward the cellar stairs. His body was solid, but it had a rapidly vibrating appearance to it. I could not make out facial features. Then, just as suddenly, I could move. I was dumbfounded and ran into the full cellar to find no one there. I called up to my wife and asked her if she had just been down in the cellar. She had not. In any event, the figure was exactly my build and was wearing black pants and a white shirt!”

Fowler says he only later came to realize what had happened when one day he went to retrieve some frozen vegetables from the freezer in the cellar. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt and followed the exact same path as the apparition. He is convinced that what he saw in spring of 1980 was himself in the future.

“I can think of no other explanation,” he writes. “I was not hallucinating. I saw the man distinctly. The cellar was well lighted with sunlight pouring in a window to my left.”

Fowler continues by saying that the only time he would be attired in black dress pants and a white shirt would have been for the weddings of three of his children, in 1983, 1989, and 1991. He would continue to have Time Slip experiences and eventually decided to write Time Slip Connexions

The book examines several hypotheses concerning the structure of the universe and its relationship to time. it also provides an overview of research by the CIA that concluded that time, as we experience it, is an illusion and that so-called past events can be accessed via altered states of perception.

Time slips are a paranormal event during which people seem to travel through time by unknown means – and for unknown reasons.

One obvious and very disturbing implication of the Time Slip phenomenon is that future events can be foretold. Even Fowler’s brief encounter with his future self in the cellar implies that some events are etched in stone and that we eventually “catch up” with such events after the passage of time.

Meaning, if time is an illusion, then so is free will. Fowler goes in-depth in his investigation of current theories concerning the “Holographic Universe,” part of which leads to the conclusion that we exist in a predetermined hologram, similar to a video game, which is overseen by an advanced race of aliens who both created and control us all. We exist as mere holographic contrivances, made up of energetic atoms that masquerade as solid flesh and bone.

The late sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick wrote along similar lines, and there are those who claim that his work was appropriated and used in the popular movie franchise “The Matrix,” which also centers on the artificial, mechanized nature of reality. The subtitle of Fowler’s previous book, “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction: We Are Property,” which demonstrates that Fowler is proceeding along a path where free will is brought into question – if not done away with completely.

UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction – We Are Property

To make his argument, Fowler offers nearly a hundred anecdotal case histories of Time Slips, from retro-cognition experiences, in which a person steps bodily into a past time and even interacts with the environment there, to glimpses of the near future that are sometimes sent as a friendly warning to help experiencers to avoid certain forms of danger.

In one of the appendixes to “Time Slip Connexions,” Fowler reports on some of the quantum physics and hard science that may be at play in the CIA’s sometimes successful remote viewing efforts. It is reassuring to learn that such a mystical and “out there” program has hard scientific support at all.

As we continue to struggle with questions of space and time, Raymond Fowler is on the frontlines, fighting to make sense of the unknowable in both scientific and spiritual terms, two fields of study that are gradually beginning to merge together into what may prove to be a beautiful and wondrous truth.

Sean Casteel

Raymond Fowler Takes Us Along For The Ultimate Abduction

By Sean Casteel

Raymond Fowler has been a UFO investigator since the 1960s, and as a researcher dedicated to the subject he has few equals. When he first began his field research, which consisted of following up on sightings reports that came his way near his New England home and frequently traveling to the actual locations where flying saucers had been seen, Fowler and his peers in Ufology were in hot pursuit of what they believed to be physical spacecraft visiting Earth from somewhere out in the universe that was completely unknown.

Raymond E. Fowler

Investigators in those early years were mainly cataloging lights in the sky and metallic airborne devices that were solid enough to show up on radar but nevertheless exhibited flight maneuvers that manmade aircraft were not capable of. The spacecraft would sometimes leave traces behind, such as indentations made by landing gear or strange circular burn marks on the grass where a UFO was seen to have touched down.

At the time, in terms of hard science, any reports of alien occupants of the flying saucers were not given much credence, especially by researchers who took the subject seriously. Speaking and interacting with UFO occupants was a concept embraced by the contactees of the 1950s, who told of golden-haired space angels who took their chosen humans on trips to Venus – a kind of “lunatic fringe” belief. No serious researcher wanted to be tarred by the same brush as the contactees, and Raymond Fowler shared that disdain himself at first.

In his latest book, called “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction,” Fowler gives a fascinating account of his early days on the trail of physical UFOs, providing a picture of that moment in history in which the government, the military, the scientific community and the public in general grappled with the mystery of just what was being seen so frequently in our skies.

UFOs – The Ultimate Abduction by Raymond E. Fowler

At the time, the mid-1960s, Fowler was among those advocating for Congress to open an official inquiry into the subject and even had some of his research entered into the Congressional Record. Fowler also tells the story of Project Blue Book, an agency within the Air Force tasked with collecting and compiling UFO reports from civilians that was discontinued in 1969 based on the recommendation of the less-than-trustworthy Condon Report, a government-contracted study of the subject conducted by academics at the University of Colorado.

The first several chapters of “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction” are an absorbing account of those earlier years, but the real fascination the book holds is in Fowler’s telling of the story of how the nuts-and-bolts evidence he examined initially eventually led him to embrace a much different view of the UFO phenomenon. He was following the data, not just the whimsy of idle speculation.

Fowler’s understanding changed over time as he began to put together a puzzle, an alien jigsaw that combined some of the precognitive and out-of-body experiences of his father as well as moments from Fowler’s own youth.

At two or three years of age, he encountered a light that bathed him in love. Other encounters with loving entities of light would follow, but Fowler characterized those moments as “religious” experiences that were not UFO-related. In fact, if pressed to do so at the time, Fowler would have condemned “spiritual” or “supernatural” UFO encounters as “demonic” and totally removed from the loving purity of what he had experienced.

Much of Fowler’s spiritual journey had its origins in his investigation of Betty Andreasson, a devoutly Christian New England housewife and mother who claimed grey aliens entered her home in 1967 and abducted both her and her daughter. Fowler was present when Betty recalled her experiences under regressive hypnosis and he would eventually write five books on Betty and her family. The titles may already be familiar to those reading this article: “The Andreasson Affair,” The Andreasson Affair Phase Two,” “The Watchers,” “The Watchers II,” and “The Andreasson Legacy.”

Betty Andreasson Luca

In a recent exchange of emails, Fowler clarified his views for me on Betty and what had happened to her.

“I believe that Betty’s extraordinarily strong fundamentalist views,’ he told me, “influenced her testimony on several occasions. In ‘The Andreasson Affair’ series of experiences by Betty, we must remember that they are told by a very religious person and strongly influenced by her belief system as she sought to make sense of what she was experiencing. I do not see any definitive connection between Christianity and the UFO phenomenon. People tend to see and interpret such experiences through the spectacles of what they want to believe or disbelieve.

“I might add that the entities associated with Betty,” Fowler continued, “seem to have encouraged her in her faith and may even have gone along with it in some sense so she would be more pliable in her relations with them and also not to upset her. For myself, I would reject the terms ‘supernatural’ or ‘spiritual,’ because every bit of the UFO phenomenon is natural and only appears to be supernatural because most of it is beyond our understanding.”

Taken together, the Andreasson books relate the alien-religious odyssey of not only Betty and her family but also Fowler’s realization of his own place in the cosmic drama that is the UFO mystery. His transition from Christian fundamentalism to a more open – perhaps an even more loving – view of reality also incorporates essential truths learned from the study of Near Death Experiences, including an examination of the research of NDEs conducted by Dr. Kenneth Ring that makes a case for the similarity between NDEs and alien abduction experiences. There are likewise connections between alien abduction, NDEs and the aforementioned OBEs, or Out-of-Body Experiences.

Those three areas of study also dovetail nicely with what we have learned from the study of Past Live Experiences, or accounts, often also obtained from people under regressive hypnosis, of the historical details of former lives that serve as proof of reincarnation. Fowler offers the notion that reincarnation, while it is also not a fundamentalist Christian belief, does give comfort to many people who prefer to believe that human existence extends over many lifetimes and is part of a kind of evolution of the soul, a “becoming” that consists of more than just a one-shot attempt at getting the business of living right.

Another crucial component of Fowler’s scheme of reality is synchronicity, a phenomenon he devoted an earlier book to called “Synchrofile.” Part of his thesis is that meaningful coincidence and the apparently nonrandom order of events show us that reality is arranged by some higher force that does not, as Einstein said, “play dice with the universe.” Nothing is left to chance, perhaps, but human consciousness still perceives its reality through a veil of free will.

In “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction,” Raymond Fowler has stitched together a continuum of phenomena whose elements harmonize beautifully and serve to make a wonderful kind of sense out of our admittedly limited glimpses into the Ultimate Truth. Perhaps it is his mission not only to learn the lessons God has laid out for him but to teach them to the rest of us as well.

Sean Casteel.


By Sean Casteel

Alien Strongholds on Earth, by Timothy Beckley and Sean Casteel.

In his tireless quest to discover and reveal the truth underlying the UFO phenomenon, Timothy Green Beckley has turned over yet another stone. This time, Beckley has assembled his usual suspects (which, in the interest of full disclosure, includes myself) and put together a book on hidden alien bases from which the UFO occupants may be operating.

The book is called “Alien Strongholds on Earth: Secret UFO Bases Exist All Around Us,” and Beckley’s introduction sets up his concept quite skillfully.

“They are said to walk among us,” Beckley writes. “And, if this is true, surely they have to be living nearby, even if in seclusion.”

Beckley explains that he has been collecting information on underground and undersea alien bases for decades, trashing some reports and reserving judgment on some others that seem more likely to be plausible. “Alien Strongholds on Earth” is an attempt to present the more believable stories that have come to Beckley’s attention.

One theme Beckley strenuously drives home is the possibly localized nature of these hidden bases.

 “There is evidence that human-looking ETs,” he writes, “may be living right down the road from you, hidden in some secluded base of operations. They have been seen to emerge from a landed craft and then observed in the checkout line of the local supermarket the next day. Should they be ‘found out’ and followed into the parking lot a few feet away, they are seen to vanish right before the eyes of stunned witnesses.”


The Superstition Mountains in Arizona have a long history of UFO-related events.

Beckley has divided the book into seven sections, with each section covering a different aspect of hidden alien bases as researched by his team of authors. In one section, cleverly quoting the 1960s folk song “Go Tell It On The Mountains,” as made popular by the trio Peter, Paul and Mary, cases involving mountain bases are examined.

Beckley himself, by way of example, contributes a chapter to this section on the Superstition Mountains of Arizona, a region which he feels has a sinister power all is own.   

According to Beckley: “One place you should really stay as far away from as possible is Arizona’s Superstition Mountains. True, there are all sorts of stories which maintain that vast tunnels containing millions of dollars in hidden treasure, left by the Spanish and protected by the Indians, are available for the ‘lucky’ treasure hunter, but so far there have been so many strange deaths – murders, actually – and disappearances in the Superstition Mountain range that you’re better off alive and poor, rather than dead and potentially rich. Here is a rather hair-raising rundown of some of the weird events which have taken place in the Superstitions over the course of many years. Some of the base activity is above ground – other activity goes on below the surface. How deep? We really can’t say for certain.

“There is a dark element, indeed, about this area. Mind-controlling aspects of the paranormal are evident. We know from past research that the Ultra-terrestrials are capable of a mental hold on us if they are so determined.

“A few years back,” Beckley continues, “I was on the History Channel’s ‘UFO Hunters’ show, hosted by Bill Birnes. One of the researchers I traveled with was reptilian ‘mastermind’ John Rhodes, who has been chasing after serpent-like inner earth beings who have massive headquarters underground throughout the Southwest. He told me that the Superstition Mountains in particular concerned him because of all the negative UFO related events in the area.

“I requested a description of the type of beings we should be on the lookout for and Rhodes provided me with this list of qualifying features:


Beaded or scored skin like a lizard or serpent. The scales (scutes) are larger on broad areas such as the back and chest. The hands, face and other malleable areas of the body have small scales that allow finer flexing.  

  • A slightly large, slightly back sloping cranium (sometimes appearing conical) with two bony ridges that begin near the brow region of the forehead and extend backwards.
  • Two slit or almond shaped eyes with either vertical or circular pupils (Vertical indicates adaptation to low light environments, circular to near surface or lighted environments.) 
  • Two ears (small holes) one on each side of their heads that may or may not be covered by thin scales.
  • A flat and wide nose with a very little bridge area in between. 
  • Lipless mouths with varying dentition.
  • Very muscular and trim torso with strong arms and legs.
  • Four to 6 digits of each hand covered by fine scales. 
  • Tails that have been seen to be as long as four feet to as small as 18 inches. Some do not have tails at all, only a small bump at the base of the spine.

Independent verification of reptilian activity in the vicinity has come our way via Marcus Lowth, writing for Listverse.com

Allegedly, Reptilians are a dangerous alien species that are bent on the domination of Earth.

“The valleys around the Superstition Mountains in Arizona are popular with hikers,” Lowth writes. “They are also popular, if you believe the reports, with reptilian humanoid creatures that like to abduct people and take them into their base deep within the mountains. One particular account, that of a woman known in the report only as ‘Angie,’ is particularly bizarre and harrowing. While enjoying a walk around the valleys, something she did regularly, Angie was suddenly confronted by a person in a strange mask trying to scare her. It was only when she realized the mask was actually a real face, and the person was some kind of strange reptile-like creature, that the fright turned to absolute terror, and she blacked out.

“The next thing she realized, she was sitting behind the wheel of her car, driving it toward her home, with no memory as to what happened. She would spend the next several days locked away in her apartment, scared and confused.

“It was only when she sought help through hypnotic regression that the encounter come back to her. She had come to in a strange cavern inside the mountain. She was surrounded by several of the reptilian creatures. She was on a table in the middle of the room, naked and tied down. As one of the beastly beings approached her, she blacked out again. Although the regression did not reveal it, Angie believed she was raped by the creature before being brought back to her car.”


Those who have dared brave the shadows of the Superstition Mountains say that there is something that puts evil in the minds of people who go into the mountains in search of the Lost Dutchman Mines.

Probably the richest treasure yet to be found by man is located somewhere within the bowels of the Earth in these mysterious mountains. In searching for this treasure, many people have been killed; many others have died of mysterious causes; while still others have met death at the hands of fellow prospectors who crave one of the Earth’s greatest treasures – GOLD!

Indeed just what is it that makes men go stark raving mad upon the mountains that make up the great Superstition Range? Is it the bloodthirsty lust for this precious metal or something far more sinister and perhaps supernatural?

Benjamin M. Ferrira of Honolulu, Hawaii, told staff reporter Jack Karie of the Arizona Republic, while serving a sentence in jail for the killing of his gold-seeking partner on April 19, 1959 that:

“There is something that happens to the minds of people going into that mountain to look for gold. People just get started hating each other – first thing you know they’re at each other’s throats.

“It didn’t make sense! There’s something there on that mountain that makes men foolish. I know from experience – from a very sad experience – that mountain does things to the minds of men. At least I think I went completely nuts – one time I thought those canyon walls were moving in on me.”

Some months later, in November, Laven Rowlee of Phoenix was shot to death by Ralph Thomas after a life and death struggle that took place just southeast of the famous Weaver’s Needle, named for its discoverer Pauline Weaver. Mrs. Thomas asserted, according to a special report in the Arizona Republic, that Rowlee first approached the couple “jabbering something about us trying to kill him – he said my husband was an FBI agent. I really didn’t understand what he was talking about. It sounded like a lot of gibberish.”

After Rowlee attacked the couple, they somehow managed to grab his gun and overpower him. As the two proceeded to march Rowlee to a nearby prospector’s camp, he screamed, “I’ve got another one.” Thinking Rowlee meant a gun, Thomas fired and knocked Rowlee down with a shot from his own hand weapon.

Rowlee died a few hours later.

“The stories coming out of this area,” Beckley writes, “from those who have seen the vast mountain range and know its innermost secrets, often reveal strange circumstances which refuse to be put to rest. Many of them could well be the product of overworked imaginations caused by the hot desert sun and the fearful winds that howl through the mountain passes like the sound of those from another world beckoning to those that dare set foot on its sacred ground.”


The “Friendship case” was a decades-long series of alien encounters in and around Pescara, Italy, from 1956 through the 1970s.

The frightening brushes with something wicked in the Superstition Mountains can be contrasted with a famous case from the 1950s, often called “The Friendship” case, that began in Italy and remains unsolved to the present day.

The case features human-looking aliens and is touted as the incredible story of mass contact between humans and aliens. Normally, people thought the contactees were a small group. But in 1956, there was a contact case involving hundreds of people. Several of them came forward and told their story to the late Italian researcher and author Stefano Breccia. 

The eyewitnesses told Breccia that the beings spoke perfect Italian. The beings explained that the Earth had been created for a positive purpose and that man was turning everything into evil. The level of human morality is considerably lower than that of the aliens, who had come to ensure that the situation with mortal man didn’t get completely out of control. The beings had not come to conquer but instead emphasized that all things required love and respect and that everything should be done in accordance with those principles. The ETs were familiar with Earth’s history and its differing religions.

Many of the aliens involved with the Friendship case were very tall, including one who was reportedly almost 15 feet tall.

They had already been on Earth for many years, they told Breccia, living at secret bases in various places on the planet. They preferred not to reveal themselves publicly because people weren’t ready for open contact. Breccia himself met many of the aliens, some of them very tall, including one alien who has 15 feet tall and was photographed towering over some trees in the background. The aliens were given the name “W-56s,” because the year they revealed themselves to their communal followers was 1956. They sometimes communicated telepathically and at other times through crystal radio sets. The W-56s are a confederation of different people coming from throughout the known universe. Earth holds a mystical appeal to them since it is one of a tiny number of planets on which conscious life exists.

Having established a base in Pascara, Italy, the W-56s asked for help from the humans, requesting industrial quantities of fruit and vegetables of all kinds. After taking delivery of a truckload of vegetables, the truck driver was lured away by human beings to have coffee, at which point the aliens teleported the goods off the truck. The driver was surprised to return and find the truck was already empty.

There were believed to be similar human/alien communal bases in Germany, Chile and Russia in the 1950s. Jealousy and competition soon erupted, and the beings admonished the humans to “stay united.”

The W-56s also revealed the existence of an enormous undersea base in the depths of the Adriatic, almost in contact with the continental shelf. Many smaller bases are located closer to the surface. Meanwhile, topside, according to Breccia, “Our friends are living inside small bases or plainly within our environment. As far as I know, all of them are humanlike, with only minor differences, height among them.”

There are bases near Pascara on the Adriatic Coast, which are difficult for Breccia to describe because of technology we don’t understand. But there are no fixed entries into them. When necessary, a passageway is opened, then closed, and everything goes back to the “status quo.” One large base had a ceiling 300 meters high, and sometimes it rained inside the base.

 “A lot of our Friends are living among us,” Breccia said, “interacting at ease with our society, having Earth identities.”


UFO researcher Preston Dennett.

Researcher Preston Dennett has written more than 20 books and over 100 articles on UFOs and paranormal phenomena. One of those books, “Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation,” reveals a great deal of information on a suspected undersea base off the coast of Malibu in Los Angeles County in Southern California. Dennett spoke to us about his research and why he continues to believe there is a definite undersea “presence” in the area.

 “There are many reasons why I think there might be a base off the coast of Southern California,” Dennett said. “The area is very deep, in places up to a mile deep, so there is plenty of room for a base. The number one reason why I think there might be an undersea base is the huge number of USO [Unidentified Submersible Objects] accounts in a sharply defined area over a long period of time. I have documented over 70 UFO cases and 70 USO accounts from the 1920s to the present day. In these cases, objects are seen diving into the water or coming out of the water, sometimes both.

 “There are several instances,” he continued, “in which boats are targeted by USOs that travel directly beneath them, sometimes causing the electronics on the boats to fail. The objects have been seen to move underwater at high speeds. The witnesses include police officers, the Coast Guard, Navy officers, lifeguards, fishermen, residents, tourists and more. The USO activity is well-known among the locals. The question is, why? Could there be a base?”


Dennett says that another argument for an undersea base has to do with “mass sightings” in the region. Some of the UFO/USO cases involve “UFO fleets” with dozens of UFOs, and, in a few cases, hundreds of objects. In these cases, he explained, the UFOs were seen coming from below, not above.

 “Where are all these UFOs coming from? If there’s not an undersea base,” Dennett quipped, “there’s a parking lot down there.” 

And still a third reason Dennett believes in the reality of an undersea base is the large amount of “whistleblower” accounts he has unearthed over the years. People who claim to have worked in intelligence or within the Top Secret area have spoken about a tunnel which leads from Area 51 in Nevada to Edwards Air Force Base in California and on out to sea in the Santa Catalina/San Pedro Channel area.

“Other whistleblowers say that there is an undersea Navy base in this area,” he added, “and one claims that it is occupied by both grays and humans.”


The “Malibu Anomaly.”

Perhaps the most compelling reason for this belief is something called “The Malibu Anomaly,” an artificial-looking undersea structure located off the coast of Malibu. The anomaly was first given public attention by researcher Robert Stanley in 2010. Dennett first heard about the structure in January 2013, from a private researcher who went by the pseudonym “Maxwell” and informed him of the anomaly’s location. The following year, Maxwell used Google applications to obtain photos of the anomaly and published the photos, which quickly went viral on the Internet.

 “The so-called Malibu Anomaly,” Dennett said, “has three main features that make it look artificial: It has a smooth flat top. It has what appears to be a row of giant columns or pillars. And it also has what appears to be a tunnel leading undersea or underground.”

Dennett provided further details.

 “The Malibu Anomaly,” he went on, “is located about six miles off the coast of Malibu beneath about 2000 feet of water. The object itself is huge, with a roof about 1.35 to 2.45 miles wide. The roof is an estimated 500 feet thick, supported by massive pillars about 600-700 feet tall. The tunnel entrance is about 2,700 feet wide. By coincidence or not, the Malibu Anomaly is located directly in the center of the greatest level of USO activity.”

Skeptics admit the object is inarguably there, but contend that the structure is something natural, not an artificial work made by intelligent design. Meanwhile, Dennett received a second-hand report from an elder of the Native American Chumash tribe, who have lived in this area for many thousands of years.          

“The elder said they know about the ‘structure’ and that it was there long before the Chumash,” Dennett said. “They have no idea who built it. However big the base is, it has to be big enough to hold at least 200 UFOs at one time.”


 “Alien Strongholds on Earth” also includes stories of alien bases “hidden in plain sight” in Virginia, near Washington, D.C., as well as in the vast desert areas of the U.S. The deserts are given thorough coverage by Beckley and his stalwarts Regan Lee, Diane Tessman and Scott Corrales.  

Timothy Green Beckley and Carol Ann Rodriguez inside the mothership.

One section, coauthored by Beckley and his longtime artist/collaborator, Carol Ann Rodriguez, recounts an adventure the two friends shared in the jungles of Mexico, where they visited pyramids said to conceal ET bases and from which issued the strange voices of alien spirits. Another friend of Beckley’s, the late Donald Worley, writes about small communities throughout the world that have become “infested” by an alien presence that has established hidden bases at out-of-the-way rural locations.

But the book offers even more, like the notion that the Greek gods and their home on Mount Olympus might be an ancient rendering of an alien mountain base, as Hercules Invictus, a writer steeped in the subject of Greek mythology, makes a case for here.

Briton Nigel Watson writes about the Nazis and their search for the underground base of the Aryan “gods,” whose assistance they sought in their scheme to conquer the world, a base perhaps located in Antarctica. Meanwhile, the well-known Tim R. Swartz reveals the history of military mind control experiments during which helpless victims – who may also be alien abductees – are taken to hidden bases where humans and aliens work side-by-side on their dark agenda. And Beckley teams up with crystal skull expert Joshua Shapiro for a chapter on the alien presence hidden high in the Andes Mountains, as well as such Peruvian landmarks as the famous and familiar Nazca lines, which are an obvious remnant of the UFO occupants from ancient times that may have served as an aboveground base.

When one reads “Alien Strongholds on Earth” and studies the accumulated research and evidence collected by Beckley’s people, one may feel obliged to concede Beckley’s overriding concept: that alien bases exist all around us, in our deserts, mountains and oceans, as well as possibly in our own neighborhoods.

Regardless if the Ultra-terrestrials come from the far reaches of space or are the product of some much closer parallel universe, they seem to make themselves comfortable whenever and wherever possible, just as nicely situated here on Earth, in most cases, as they would be back at “home.”

Sean Casteel







MR. UFO’S SECRET FILES — Our YouTube channel with over 400 interviews 


“Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers” Could Be More Than The Title of A Sci-Fi Classic

By Sean Casteel

  • There lurks a certain kind of evil within the UFO phenomenon as it prays upon an unsuspecting populace. Read the new book from Inner Light/Global Communications, “UFO Hostilities and the Evil Alien Agenda,” which is bursting at the seams with documented info, frightening case histories and a wealth of photos and art.
  • Real life accounts of UFO atrocities – from strange disappearances to bizarre deaths – are here to be examined.
  • Alert yourself to paralyzing episodes of alien acts of aggression that have blacked out power systems, erased memories and crippled human beings.
  • Abductions? Overflights of our nuclear facilities? Corpses left behind in the wake of a UFO sighting? Had these events been inflicted upon us by a human enemy, they would be considered acts of war. Yet how do we fight this enemy with unknowable powers and abilities?



In the 1950s creatures were arriving here to do battle against humankind. They flew over the White House, attacked home and hearth and in general ransacked Mother Earth. But that was only up on the giant Hollywood screen – or so it seemed. A new book indicates that we may have been attacked without realizing it and that the facts have been hidden away by the same folks who declared Roswell a hoax.

In a series of rather astonishing disclosures, the New York Times recently revealed in a provocative front page story that the military had spent over $20 million dollars on the study of UFOs and the creation of an “advanced aerospace threat identification program,” to ascertain if UFOs pose a threat either to individual witnesses or to the entire population of our planet. Fostering heightened speculation, they continue to hide their confidential studies concerning the physiological and psychological effects of UFOs on close encounter victims as well as their influence over commercial, private and military aircraft, and their ability to go so far as to injure by incineration, radioactivity – or other means – those that might have gotten too close to an unidentified object on the ground or in the air. This aforementioned recently published book seeks to ask – and to answer – some very important questions concerning the uncontrollable and unpredictable nature of this perplexing phenomenon.

Once it is a given that UFOs and their alien occupants are real, the next question that must be answered is: Are they friendly or hostile?

Students of the subject will quickly acknowledge that this is not an easy question to answer. There is ample evidence, based on case histories and educated speculation, to argue either case.

With this latest offering from Inner Light/Global Communications, which publisher Timothy Green Beckley has entitled “UFO Hostilities and the Evil Alien Agenda: Lethal Encounters with Ultra-terrestrials Exposed,” one can easily see where this one is coming from. Beckley has assembled the usual suspects from among his team of collaborating writers, all of whom have collectively covered the subject of hostile aliens as thoroughly as one could wish. The resulting tome is 450+ pages of terrifying case histories, photos and art that will leave you wishing for a warm, fuzzy “ET-like” creature to land and relieve you from the dark truths you must confront as you read this gut-wrenching volume of alien evil and human helplessness.


mcdonalda a young researcher

The late Dr. James McDonald realized that several close encounters had caused a negative impact on some UFO witnesses. UFOs had also, on many occasions, disabled the engines of automobiles and aircraft, thus creating potentially serious situations.

Dr. James E. McDonald (1920-1971) was a leading member of the University of Arizona’s Institute of Atmospheric Physics. His hypothesis that UFOs were extraterrestrial instruments on information gathering missions and his belief that the scientific reports of the time, including 1968’s Condon Report, were superficially done led him to investigate sightings and to combat governmental impediments against his research.

“UFO Hostilities and the Evil Alien Agenda” reprints a statement McDonald submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics at the July 29, 1968, Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, held at the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C.

“Official statements have emphasized,” McDonald writes, “for the past two decades, that there is no evidence of hostility in the UFO phenomena. To a large degree, this same conclusion seems indicated in the body of evidence gathered by independent investigators. The related question as to POTENTIAL hazard is perhaps less clear.”

McDonald then listed several types of UFO encounter that were potentially hazardous, as when the UFOs seem able to stop a moving car dead in its tracks, to inflict mild radiation exposure and on occasion to inflict more serious physical injuries.

The careful scientist admitted that he knew of at least two cases that he would say involved “overt hostility” on the part of the aliens. One involved a young boy in Beallsville, Ohio, who had to be treated for burns at the local hospital after encountering an oval-shaped object with lights on it. The craft emitted a flash that set the young boy’s jacket on fire.

“There is much more detail than can be recapitulated here,” McDonald writes. “My conversations with persons who know the boy, including his teacher, suggest no reason to discount the story, despite its unusual content.”

Another “overt hostility” case known to McDonald involved burn injuries of an even more serious nature, but he declined to give the details in his report to Congress. McDonald died in 1971 from his own hand, said to be motivated by his wife’s decision to leave him for another man and the ridicule the scientist suffered for his outspoken belief that UFOs are genuine alien spacecraft. His death is still considered “questionable” nearly 50 years later.



Brad Steiger

In the weeks before his death in May of 2018, legendary UFO/paranormal researcher-author Brad Steiger granted Beckley permission to use some of his research involving the subject of hostile UFOs which he had collected early in his career.

In a chapter in the new book called “Patterns of Horror,” Steiger writes, “During the many, many years that UFOs have been actively researched, many widely divergent theories concerning their goals and objectives have been advanced. UFO actions have been interpreted as brotherly, benign, and protective; as indifferent, aloof, and superior; and as inquisitive, aggressively curious, and occasionally militant.

“Certain saucer cultists,” Steiger continues, “who have been expecting space brethren to bring some pie from the sky, continue to deliver saucer-inspired sermons on the theme that the UFOs come to bring starry salvation to a troubled world. The self-appointed ministers who preach this extraterrestrial brand of evangelism ignore the fact that not all ‘saucers’ can be considered friendly. Many give evidence of hostile actions. There is a wealth of well-documented evidence that UFOs have been responsible for murders, assaults, burnings with direct-ray focus, radiation sickness, kidnappings, pursuits of automobiles, attacks on homes, disruptions of power sources, paralysis, mysterious cremations and destruction of aircraft.”

Among the many instances of negative UFO manifestations recounted by Steiger is one that took place in August 1966. Inspector Jose Venancio Bittencourt of the Rio de Janeiro police was faced with what he termed “the most baffling mystery in my twenty-three years on the force.”

Manoel_Pereira_da_Cruz_e_Miguel_Jos lead mask UFO hostility

The two men went on a UFO skywatch but they ended up dead.

“On August 20,” Steiger’s account begins, “police had discovered the bodies of two electronics technicians, Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira de Cruz, one-thousand feet up a hillside in the Rio suburb of Niteroi. The bodies had been found after a woman, who lived nearby, had reported to the authorities that she had seen a flying saucer land on the jungled slope of Morro do Vintem. The woman had been so insistent in her claim that police had been dispatched to placate her. The officers had not known what they might find, but they had not expected to find two corpses.”

Beyond the discovery of the dead men, there were further strange details, according to Steiger.


As weird as it may seem, the two men had tried to protect themselves by donning a strange lead mask – for what reason?

“Both men had covered their faces with lead masks before they died. Several slips of paper were found near the bodies. Notations on several of the papers had been made in some strange kind of code.”

Exhaustive laboratory tests were unable to determine the cause of death of either of the electronics technicians.

“There was no medical reason, within the ability of the state police lab,” Inspector Bittencourt said, “to detect for the deaths. Our lab men have ruled out the possibility of poison, violence or asphyxiation.”

After the case had been reported in the local media, other witnesses came forward. Mrs. Gracindo de Souza, wife of a member of the local stock exchange, told police that she and her daughter had been driving in the area and had seen a UFO hovering over the clearing where the bodies were later discovered. In addition, a watchman, Raulino de Matos, saw the technicians arrive at the mountain in a jeep with two other men. When the four started to climb the hillside, de Matos had paid no further attention.

The dead technicians were found lying side by side, their arms at their sides. There were no signs of a struggle. Investigators did find blood nearby, but laboratory tests established that it had not come from either of the victims. The masks that covered the men’s faces were the kind commonly used in electronics to protect the eyes from burns.

When premiere UFO researcher Jacques Vallee studied the case notes, he concurred that the two men had been witness to a UFO. Vallee even went so far as to say that the two men were at least hopeful, if not expecting, to witness such a craft due to the lead masks that he theorized they intended to use to protect them from any harmful rays.


Authorities examine the bodies of Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira de Cruz.

After an extensive month-long investigation, the Brazilian police admitted their failure to solve “the lead mask murders.”

“Crude lead masks,” Steiger writes. “Two dead men in their unruffled Sunday suits, lying side by side. Strange, undecipherable codes. Two other unidentified men who may have also been victims, their bodies yet to be discovered.

“Are these clues to a murder mystery which has baffled the most determined investigators? Or are they additional manifestations of a malignant, yet intelligent, course of action which, when viewed in a certain perspective, will indicate an ever-increasing pattern of horror of worldwide significance?

“To be direct: What of the UFOs that had been sighted hovering above and landing on the hillside on the day the technicians were killed and the day their bodies were discovered? Had the two electronics technicians kept a rendezvous with the UFO occupants and found, to their ultimate terror, that the aliens were not the benign space brethren they had been led to expect? Had Viana and de Cruz discovered that some extraterrestrials have come not to issue pronouncements of universal peace, but to conquer?”


Diary of a CIA Operative

Diary of a CIA Operative by Alvin E. Moore

One of the chapters contributed by publisher and editor Beckley concerns Alvin Moore, one of the better credentialed figures in the field of Ufology.

Moore was educated at the U.S. Naval Academy plus the George Washington School of Law and Louisiana State University. He worked as a patent engineer and attorney for the Werner von Braun team of space scientists. He was also a nautical scientist in the employ of the Navy and a CIA intelligence officer. Beckley would later publish a book by Moore called “Diary of a CIA Operative.” Moore spent nearly 25 years researching mysterious events attributable to UFOs and extraterrestrials.

“His conclusions are utterly shocking,” Beckley writes, “and certainly deserve further investigation despite attempts by so-called ‘serious Ufologists’ to sweep this aspect of the phenomenon under the cosmic rug.”

According to Moore, aliens known as “Skymen” have been coming to Earth and exploiting it for many years. Some of them have homes in caverns on the moon, Mars and its satellite Phoebus, Jupiter as well as among the asteroids. Many more originate from much nearer to the Earth’s surface, from “Sky Islands,” or even from within the hollows of our planet and possibly underwater hangars. Sky chemicals and electrostatic gravity-like force of the alien Sky Islands and Skycraft have caused legions of accidents. Skymen have kidnapped a multitude of people and have long extracted blood from animals and men, as well as committed mysterious murders.

One of the case histories Moore collected and wrote about was this one:

On the night of May 10, 1951, police found a young woman screaming on a street corner in Manila. She was crying out that she was being bitten by something and seemed to be fighting something in the air around her. She was eighteen years old and her name was Clarita Villanueva. The police arrested her. She said she was being bitten by something that looked like a man with big bulging eyes, wearing a black cape, and able to float in the air.

Clarita Villanueva

Clarita Villanueva shows bite mark on her shoulder caused by mysterious creatures with large, bulging eyes.

After she was locked up in a cell, she began screaming that the thing was coming at her through the prison bars. A policeman unlocked the door and brought her out, still screaming. And then he was astounded to see punctures that looked like teeth marks being formed on her arms and shoulders. The next morning, in the presence of policemen and Medical Examiner Dr. Mariana Lara, the screaming girl was again attacked by a being or object, invisible to the men. For five minutes, the punctures appeared on her arms, the back of her shoulders, and the back of her neck. Then she fainted.

The Mayor of Manila and the medical examiner accompanied the woman in a car to the prison hospital. On the way, she began screaming again, and the horrified men saw what looked like teeth punctures appear on both sides of her throat. They saw that her arms and hands were badly swollen from previous punctures. Obviously, this was a case of blood extraction by a floating being or object – probably object – that could be made invisible.

“A number of persons who have been captured by alien ‘Skymen’ have reported their extraction of ‘blood samples,’” Moore said. But the aliens’ need for the blood probably goes beyond the mere taking of samples for medical reasons. Still, the samples’ ultimate purpose remains unknown. Also, the UFO invisibility factor, as in the case of the Manila woman being bitten by unseen teeth, has been studied extensively. The late abduction pioneer Budd Hopkins, in his 2003 book “Sight Unseen: Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic Beings,” writes at length about events like alien ships that appear in broad daylight on a family’s front lawn to carry out an abduction, yet the whole event remains completely hidden from the neighbors.


cash landrum carol's art

Artist Carol Ann Rodriguez depicts the Cash-Landum UFO being escorted by a U.S. military helicopter. All the witnesses suffered serious radiation burns.

In a chapter co-written by Beckley and (full disclosure) myself, we touch on the well-known Cash-Landrum case, which involved two middle-aged Texas women in the wrong place at the wrong time. We relied partially on the account given by Jerome Clark in his encyclopedic “The UFO Book.”

“On the evening of December 29, 1980, near Huffman, Texas,” Clark writes, “three occupants of a 1980 Oldsmobile Cutlass observed a remarkable sight. Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Vickie’s seven-year-old grandson, Colby, on their way home to Dayton, were driving through the southern tip of the east Texas piney woods when they noticed a large light above the trees some distance ahead.

“The light was briefly lost to view,” Clark continued, “but they saw it again when after rounding a curb they found themselves on a straight stretch of two-lane road on Highway FM 1485. This time it was approaching them, floating above the road at less than treetop height and belching flames from its bottom. Cash and the Landrums were only about 130 feet from the object.”

Landrum told Cash to stop the car, fearing they would get burned if they got too close. However, as a born again Christian, she quickly reinterpreted the object as a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus. She even told Colby that the light was Jesus and would do them no harm.

Meanwhile, it was impossible to simply drive away because the road was narrow and the shoulders soggy. Betty Cash, who was driving, knew that the car would get stuck if she tried to turn around. Since there was no other traffic on the lonesome stretch of road, she stepped out of the car, as did Vickie Landrum. Vickie returned to the car as soon as she heard Colby screaming in fear.

trueufology-witnesses-capturaaaa cash landrum

“The object, intensely bright and a dull metallic color,” writes Clark, “was shaped like a huge upright diamond, about the size of the Dayton water tower, with its top and bottom cut off so that they were flat rather than pointed. Small blue lights ringed the center and periodically, over the next few minutes, flames shot out of the bottom, flaring outward, creating the effect of a large cone. Every time the fire dissipated, the UFO floated a few feet downwards toward the road. But when the flames blasted out again, the object rose about the same distance. The witnesses said the heat was strong enough to make the car’s metal body painful to touch.”

The object then moved to a point higher in the sky. As it ascended over the treetops, the witnesses claimed that a group of helicopters approached the object and surrounded it in a tight formation. Cash and Landrum counted 23 helicopters and later identified some of them as tandem-rotor CH-47 Chinooks, routinely used by military forces worldwide.

The UFO and the helicopters were then “lost to view,” according to Clark, and the three resumed their journey. The whole incident had taken 20 minutes.

But what followed for Cash and the Landrums after their return home was unexpected sickness and misery.

Cash began to suffer a headache and nausea that would not go away, and large knots formed on her neck and scalp. Soon they became blisters. Also, her skin was reddening and her eyes swelled. She threw up repeatedly and experienced severe diarrhea. The Landrums were experiencing similar symptoms, though not as intensely.

Cash Landrum hand

A severe hand wound caused by a hostile UFO.

Cash’s friends soon feared she was near death because she had lapsed into near-unconsciousness. She was taken to the emergency room at Parkway Hospital on January 3, 1981. She could not walk and had lost large patches of skin and clumps of hair. The Landrums improved slightly, though the sores on their skin and the damage to their eyes persisted. Vickie suffered periodic sickness over the next few years and Colby had problems with chronic illness, sores and hair loss.

“A radiologist who reviewed the victims’ medical records for the Mutual UFO Network,” writes Clark, “concluded ‘We have strong evidence that these patients have suffered damage secondary to ionizing radiation. It is also possible that there was an infrared or ultraviolet component as well.’”

Cash and Landrum undertook a long and frustrating campaign to get compensation for their injuries from the government but were unable to prove that either the diamond-shaped craft or the military helicopters were the property of any governmental or military entity.

Cash died at the age of 71 on December 29, 1998, eighteen years to the day after her close encounter.

Landrum died September 12, 2007, seven days before her 84th birthday.


The foregoing has been just the tip of the iceberg in terms of chronicling the cases that demonstrate the negative aspects of the UFO and alien phenomenon, and Beckley has gathered a selection of writers to cover the subject thoroughly and objectively.

The hostile aliens attack us even with noxious smells and odors, as Tim R. Swartz explains in one chapter. A writer using the pseudonym Hercules Invictus gives an overview of the wicked among the Greek gods on Olympus, while Hispanic writer Scott Corrales covers the evil aliens and their intrusions into the Spanish-speaking regions of the Americas. Allen Greenfield recounts folkloric encounters with fairies that seem suspiciously like meetings with the ubiquitous diminutive gray aliens.

No one wants to abandon the cherished idea that the aliens are potentially here to save us from ourselves. But, as this book’s back cover claims, there is irrefutable proof that UFOs could be perilous to your health, your well-being, and even your life – and in an extreme case scenario could doom all of humanity. Because of the frightening nature of its fully-documented findings, this may well be the most startling book you will ever read on the subject of UFOs. Hundreds of alarming cases are detailed here – and it is evident that there is no place to hide.


Sean Casteel headshot April 2015
Sean Casteel








By Sean Casteel


Many mysteries are revealed in the new version of the “The Commander X Files – Updated: Identifying the Real ‘Commander X’ Alien Hunter.”

Most discussions of Commander X begin with this question. Who the heck is he REALLY?

This issue is grappled with in the newly released “The Commander X Files – Updated – Identifying the Real Commander X.”

In this most recent offering of Commander X’s prolific works – as published by Timothy Green Beckley’s Inner Light-Global Communications publishing house – the cover teases that the book will identify the “real” Commander X.

Which is true up to a point. But revealing the literal, physical, human identity of Commander X would endanger not only Commander X himself but also many of the people with whom he works as he labors to bring the truth of so many government/alien conspiracies to the attention of that portion of the reading public who are receptive to his general message. The truth can set you free, but it can also lead to imprisonment or assassination, a familiar threat to those who conceal their identities and sources of information as a necessary requisite to doing business.



Who is the mysterious military operative identified only as “Commander X” in a series of pop culture UFO books?

But Commander X has sanctioned that a little information about his working methods can be uncovered at last – the fact that his writing was often corrected and made more readable by the late Jim Keith, a conspiracy theorist whose story is also a fascinating one in itself.

As Beckley writes in his introduction to “The Commander X Files – Updated,” it’s all gotten a little complicated over the years. Still, Beckley does offer some tidbits he hopes readers will find satisfying.

“I am going to tell you something,” Beckley writes, “that I have never revealed to anyone else before. Some of the books by Commander X were not written in their entirety by him. He had help.”

Beckley first addresses the accusation that Commander X is just another disinformation agent. He defends the Commander by saying that the secretive figure had always been aboveboard and honest in his dealings with Beckley himself, which is all Beckley can really know.

“True, I have never met him in the flesh,” Beckley continues, “but in the ‘old days’ we did exchange correspondence and a couple of telephone calls. I think if you have been an avid reader of the Commander X books, you will agree that he has made some striking revelations. He says he worked at Area 51. That he knows about the underground base at Dulce. Was involved in the government’s teleportation program.”


But Commander X was continually on the run from his enemies, whether they were part of the international cabal or the aliens themselves.

“Often he would submit a few pages at a time,” Beckley explains, “ramble on a bit and not complete a project he had started on in all earnest. Even as a small publisher, we had to adhere to some sort of schedule for the release of a new title. In order for us to fit into a specific time slot, we had to get the good Commander a bit of literary ‘help.’ We had to find someone who could polish up a manuscript and fill in some of the blanks. Nothing drastic, mind you, but you still can’t put out a book that is full of incomplete thoughts and not rendered in a professional manner.”

So Beckley turned to the aforementioned Jim Keith, a writer who was quickly establishing himself as a prominent conspiracy theorist.

jim keith

Jim Keith

“If you have ever been into alternative topics such as black ops, UFOs and mind control, you probably have a number of Jim’s books close at hand,” Beckley writes. “His most important works include ‘Saucers of the Illuminati,’ ‘Mind Control, World Control,’ ‘Casebook of the Men in Black,’ ‘Black Helicopters Over America,’ and ‘OK-Bomb!’ Unfortunately, tragedy struck at an early age, when Jim Keith passed away suddenly – some say under mysterious circumstances.”

Beckley draws on writer Peter Robbins to fill in some of the background. “Jim was truly a conspiracist’s conspiracist,” Robbins writes.

“He spoke at numerous conferences about conspiracies and contributed many articles to journals and magazines. He did not subscribe to the extraterrestrial theory of UFOs and viewed the phenomena as human in origin. He felt that the craft involved were entirely the product of highly classified governmental programs, employing advanced technology.”

In September 1999, Jim was attending “Burning Man,” a weeklong arts festival held annually in Black Rock, Nevada, when he broke his knee in a fall from a stage. He underwent emergency surgery in Reno, Nevada, where he resided. During the operation, a blood clot was released and entered his lung, which was the official cause of his death.

“It’s particularly tempting,” Robbins writes, “to yell murder when someone so dedicated to conspiratorial thinking, and to bringing government abuses and cover-ups to the attention of the public, dies under such freaky circumstances. If the blood clot was not the cause of his death, as some still maintain, I doubt if we will ever learn what in fact it was.”


Beckley resumes the narrative by writing: “Interestingly enough, at about the same time as Jim Keith’s passing – whatever the cause might have been – a ‘wild rumor’ started to circulate. It was being said that Keith was in reality the mysterious Commander X. These rumors were denied by Keith himself and ‘verified’ by at least one ‘close friend’ who thought Jim had taken him into his confidence. Actually, Jim was not lying or covering up for Commander X or, for that matter, our publishing company. He was NOT Commander X. There was – and still is, somewhere out there – an actual Commander X!”


Having dealt with these weighty facts and suspicions, “The Commander X Files – Updated” moves on to the writings of Commander X – as told to Jim Keith.

helicopters cash landium

Unmarked choppers upon occasion have been seen in association with unidentified flying objects. Particularly well known is their connection to the Cash-Landrum case in 1980s Texas.

The first chapter, called “Escape to Abduction,” is a thrilling opener as it recounts the story of Commander X being warned by a phone call from a friend in the intelligence community that the Commander’s cover had been blown and he should “run like hell.” As he flees his pursuers (whom he calls “hired murderers who had been hunting me for years, ever since my defection”), he philosophizes that, “I had given it my best shot, and that was all I could do. I had done my best to warn the people of the world about the Secret Government and the gray aliens and their plans, and if I didn’t last another day, it would have all been worth it.”

Commander X arrives at a grassy overlook at the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean. Thinking he has managed to conceal himself from the human element, he is struck by the sight of two unmarked black helicopters in “whisper mode” who obviously know where he is. They are followed quickly by the appearance of an alien craft, which he calls “truly beautiful in a purely artistic way.” The craft shoots a cool white beam of light from its underside that engulfs the Commander in the most intense fear he has ever felt.

“I was about to say that that was when I blacked out, but the term isn’t appropriate,” he writes. “I whited out. I knew no more.”

A typical day in the life for Commander X? It would be a little daunting, to say the least, if that was the case. But the fact of the black helicopters working in concert with an alien ship does serve to illustrate one of Commander X’s primary operating assumptions.

“The most horrifying truth that ever confronts a researcher into UFOs and aliens,” he writes, “is the realization that, at a certain point, forces within the U.S. government capitulated to and, at least to a certain degree, joined forces with the aliens in their goal to dominate the Earth.”


area 51 restricted area

Beware! You have been warned! Try to cross this barrier at Area 51 and you will be arrested – or possibly far worse.

As an example of the treachery of the gray aliens, Commander X presents a short Q and A with a woman he calls “Miss N,” who was employed as an executive secretary at what is known as the A.T.C. (the Alien Technology Center) at an Air Force base the Commander declines to name. The A.T.C. was a secret “sub-facility” that has been in operation since the 1960s.

“It had been believed until recently,” Commander X writes, “that this area of [deleted] was under the control of the human forces and engaged in researches positive to human aspirations, but subsequent events showed that this had been a ruse fostered by the gray aliens.”

area 51 game

Area 51 has become part of America’s pop culture and has even been incorporated into slick games for adults.

The Commander explains that he often travels incognito to UFO conferences around the country in order to chat with the attendees. Along with the gawkers, the debunkers, and the merely curious, he says one also meets individuals with a real knowledge of the planetary situation.

One such savvy attendee was the aforementioned Miss N, whom Commander X calls “articulate” and “perfectly rational.” He first met her at a UFO convention and she continues to be one of his informants.

“It was apparent to me after speaking with Miss N for a brief while,” he writes, “and after having her pull me aside to see the array of government identification cards which she carried in her wallet, that she knew about what she spoke. While she was terrified and was looking for someone to ease her mind about what she had witnessed at [deleted], she was also privy to an otherwise unreported instance of alien betrayal by the higher-ups in the military.”

Here are portions of Commander X’s dialogue with Miss N, as transcribed from an audio recording:

X. You alluded to a “shutdown” and a “cover-up” at the A.T.C. portion of the base in 1991? I hadn’t heard about that. Could you give me some additional details?

Miss N: I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it considering your connections to the military. I won’t pretend I’m not scared telling you about all of this. They came in, came right into the lab area . . .

X. Who came in? Military intelligence?

Miss N: It was totally transparent what happened. My God, who do they think they are? The talk had been going around that the scientists in Section G, which supposedly dealt with antigravity research from what I heard, had made a big breakthrough. We thought that was supposed to be the purpose of the center, to actually make scientific discoveries, so I guess nobody was trying to hide what they heard. But that wasn’t it at all. It was only supposed to look like that.

X. I’m not quite following you. What happened?

Miss N: Really, I can’t believe that you didn’t hear about this. I heard it was a directive, straight from the grays, that was issued to the brass at the A.T.C. An ultimatum, I guess. They terminated the scientists in Section G and they tried to cover it up by . . .

X. Terminated? Do you mean . . .


Many abductees have remembered under hypnosis that they were “manhandled” while being held captive by a group of ultra-terrestrials identified as the Grays.

Miss N: You know as well as I do that I don’t mean “fired from their job.” I mean they killed them, they killed four scientists in the A.T.C. and they tried to cover it up pretending it was radiation poisoning. They sent the hit team into the compound . . .

X. Humans?

Miss N: Yes, I’m sorry to say it was humans who did the job. They came into the lab dressed in radiation suits, and the alarms were going off. I heard the shots, even though they used silencers. I heard the shouts and the crashing of equipment. It didn’t last long, maybe three minutes total. I think you understand as well as I do what the situation is. The research is a total fraud, a cover-up, and they’re keeping the scientists pretty much tethered, giving them little bits and pieces of information and technology. They know that, if we know what they know, then we can fight them, maybe even win. God help me, I hope no one saw me talking to you.

The foregoing conversation between Commander X and Miss N puts in a nutshell so much of what Commander X is all about. There is the collusion between the secret government and the hostile gray aliens, aliens who sometimes masquerade as benefactors to mankind. There is the cloak-and-dagger meeting with an informant who fears being murdered even for speaking in secret. There is an “ear witness” to an unlawful execution of government scientists who somehow drew the anger of the gray aliens by going too far with a technological breakthrough, a breakthrough they had been told they were supposed to pursue.

“I agree with Miss N’s assessment that the alien forces will stop at nothing,” Commander X writes, “to keep humanity in the dark about advanced technology, while at the same time pretending to offer it to us.”


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Commander X, in his recently published book on the subject, has joined other researchers claiming that the U.S. signed a treaty with a group of aliens back in the 1950s which enabled them to abduct humans in exchange for what we are told was a superior technology.

In another recent offering from Inner Light-Global Communications, entitled “America’s Top Secret Treaty with Alien Life Forms,” Commander X discusses similar themes of a secret branch of the government’s longtime conspiracy with the gray intruders.

“Primarily, what the government doesn’t want people to know,” he writes, “is that an actual agreement was drawn up between the military and the group which John Lear and others have identified as the EBEs (short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). The key figures taking part in this scenario had no reason to suspect anything but the best from what they had taken into their confidence. The EBEs said they wanted to take a few humans for examination, that they had actually seeded the planet at the time of creation, eons ago, and simply wanted to keep track of their scientific experiment. For being allowed the privilege of abducting members of the human race on a limited basis, they were seemingly willing to give us scientific data which would greatly enhance our technology.”

According to Commander X, what the government didn’t realize was that the aliens planned to abduct tens of thousands of people, plant monitoring devices in the abductees’ brains, and program them with specific series of responses to direct commands. In other words, the aliens were going to take a much bigger bite out of the human population than what was agreed to and then take complete control of their victims’ unsuspecting minds.

“The EBEs – also behind our backs – began to mutilate cows and other animals,” Commander X writes, “because they wished to use their tissues to create a genetically advanced race of flesh and blood robots. When the government realized what the EBEs had in mind, and wanted to go back on their agreement, the aliens took over several of the bases where they had already installed underground laboratories.”


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Commander X says he now ponders whether the signing of a treaty with the EBEs was a positive choice for the people of Earth.

As someone with close military ties, Commander X says he is in a privileged position to know what is going on. He feels it is his patriotic duty to reveal all he knows regardless of the consequences.

“This conspiracy has gone on far too long,” he writes, “and it surely would continue were it not for the a few brave souls who have literally risked their very lives to leak the story of the century to a public that has been left in ‘blissful ignorance.’ I can testify to the fact that this conspiracy leads right up to the front gate of the White House and behind the walls of the Kremlin; for it is a secret that all the major world powers share, but continue to keep to themselves, for fear of what the repercussions of their actions and the eventual outcome of the situation may be.”

One would certainly hope to be among the “few brave souls” Commander X refers to and do one’s part to help to break the leash the grays and their government allies hold us to heel with, to use an unfortunate “dog” metaphor. In taking up the struggle, the reader should begin by familiarizing oneself with the books of Commander X, which are published to the potential peril of many in the fields of UFO and conspiracy research. Let us hope that there is still time to undo the damage that has already been done.






