Raymond Fowler And The Ever-Changing Nature Of Time

By Sean Casteel

Time Slip ConneXions: We Are Holograms

It has become an increasingly popular notion that linear time, time measured from the past, the present and the future, is not the complete story. The many variations from our normal perception of time spring from numerous source experiences, to include UFO encounters, Near Death Experiences, and Past Life Experiences. Even the CIA, in its formerly classified Remote Viewing program, encountered movements in time in addition to “seeing” the desired targets.

In his recent book, “Time Slip Connexions: We Are Holograms,” veteran UFO and paranormal researcher Raymond Fowler tackles the tricky subject of ripples in time from many angles while also demonstrating the interrelatedness of things previously thought to be completely separate phenomena.

Raymond E. Fowler

The author of eleven books on UFOs and NDEs, Fowler began his career in the paranormal as a nuts-and-bolts researcher of UFO sightings in the 1960s. Over the decades, he gradually widened his belief system to embrace alien abduction, Near Death Experiences, Out-of-Body experiences and other phenomena that came to seem linked to an overarching intelligence from which everything we know about reality originates.

So, what is a Time Slip?

“A Time Slip is an occurrence,” Fowler writes, “in which a person or persons step from their time into another time, either in the past or in the future. A person having a Time Slip may also experience a disquieting, unsettling or depressed feeling at the outset of the event. Some people have even described a sort of fog surrounding them as they emerge into another time. Others as if a vacuum is lowered over them and all sounds around them disappear at the outset of the Time Slip. This also sometimes occurs at the outset of a UFO experience.”

Fowler’s interest in the phenomenon began with his own Time Slip experience.

“One morning in the spring of 1980,” he recalls, “when I entered the half cellar of our former home in Wenham, Massachusetts, and stepped down a few steps into the full cellar, I instantly became totally paralyzed. Shocked, I found it hard to believe my eyes. A man with my build, wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt, appeared from behind the furnace where our freezer is located. He walked toward me and when he was three feet away from me he turned to my right and walked out of sight toward the cellar stairs. His body was solid, but it had a rapidly vibrating appearance to it. I could not make out facial features. Then, just as suddenly, I could move. I was dumbfounded and ran into the full cellar to find no one there. I called up to my wife and asked her if she had just been down in the cellar. She had not. In any event, the figure was exactly my build and was wearing black pants and a white shirt!”

Fowler says he only later came to realize what had happened when one day he went to retrieve some frozen vegetables from the freezer in the cellar. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt and followed the exact same path as the apparition. He is convinced that what he saw in spring of 1980 was himself in the future.

“I can think of no other explanation,” he writes. “I was not hallucinating. I saw the man distinctly. The cellar was well lighted with sunlight pouring in a window to my left.”

Fowler continues by saying that the only time he would be attired in black dress pants and a white shirt would have been for the weddings of three of his children, in 1983, 1989, and 1991. He would continue to have Time Slip experiences and eventually decided to write Time Slip Connexions

The book examines several hypotheses concerning the structure of the universe and its relationship to time. it also provides an overview of research by the CIA that concluded that time, as we experience it, is an illusion and that so-called past events can be accessed via altered states of perception.

Time slips are a paranormal event during which people seem to travel through time by unknown means – and for unknown reasons.

One obvious and very disturbing implication of the Time Slip phenomenon is that future events can be foretold. Even Fowler’s brief encounter with his future self in the cellar implies that some events are etched in stone and that we eventually “catch up” with such events after the passage of time.

Meaning, if time is an illusion, then so is free will. Fowler goes in-depth in his investigation of current theories concerning the “Holographic Universe,” part of which leads to the conclusion that we exist in a predetermined hologram, similar to a video game, which is overseen by an advanced race of aliens who both created and control us all. We exist as mere holographic contrivances, made up of energetic atoms that masquerade as solid flesh and bone.

The late sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick wrote along similar lines, and there are those who claim that his work was appropriated and used in the popular movie franchise “The Matrix,” which also centers on the artificial, mechanized nature of reality. The subtitle of Fowler’s previous book, “UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction: We Are Property,” which demonstrates that Fowler is proceeding along a path where free will is brought into question – if not done away with completely.

UFOs: The Ultimate Abduction – We Are Property

To make his argument, Fowler offers nearly a hundred anecdotal case histories of Time Slips, from retro-cognition experiences, in which a person steps bodily into a past time and even interacts with the environment there, to glimpses of the near future that are sometimes sent as a friendly warning to help experiencers to avoid certain forms of danger.

In one of the appendixes to “Time Slip Connexions,” Fowler reports on some of the quantum physics and hard science that may be at play in the CIA’s sometimes successful remote viewing efforts. It is reassuring to learn that such a mystical and “out there” program has hard scientific support at all.

As we continue to struggle with questions of space and time, Raymond Fowler is on the frontlines, fighting to make sense of the unknowable in both scientific and spiritual terms, two fields of study that are gradually beginning to merge together into what may prove to be a beautiful and wondrous truth.

Sean Casteel